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Solar for Residential and
A solar system from Esmay Electric locks in your energy costs and saves you thousands every year.

How Does Solar Energy Work?
The basic concept behind solar energy is that sunlight hits your solar cells and the solar panel converts sunlight into electricity. That electricity is converted into AC power which feeds your home while the sun is shining. This reduces the amount of power you use from the utility grid, and your utility bills decrease. Any excess solar power not being used in the home is exported to your power company for credits, further reducing your electric bills.
What do I need to know before going solar?
Deciding whether to install a solar energy system on your home or business is a big decision, with numerous factors you should consider. Cost, system size, the reputation of the contractor, and the return on investment are just a few of the issues that need to be weighed before going solar.
How can I find the best solar installer?
There are a number of factors that can help guide you in hiring a trustworthy solar installer; the most critical are peer recommendations and consumer reviews, seeking multiple quotes, understanding your estimate, professional certifications of the installer, the quality of customer service, financing and – most importantly – getting and calling references to ensure your installer does good work and has made past clients happy.
How can I get financing?
For some home or business owners, there may be a desire to install a solar power system but the funds aren’t available to purchase it outright and impediments to financing – such as a lack of equity or past bad credit – keep the opportunity out of reach. Esmay Electric works with several lending partners to offer the best Solar Lease and Solar Loan rates available on the market. Contact us at 928-855-7375 to review current lease and loan options with one of our dedicated energy consultants.
The alternatives
Why go solar?
By installing solar on your home, you become your own power company … and charge yourself less!
Slash your energy bills
Increase the value of your home
Protect your home during a blackout
Reduce your carbon footprint

best customer experience
We hope you
share our vision
Going solar is more affordable than ever and offers an excellent return on investment, with dramatic energy savings as soon as the system is activated.